We can't wait to meet you!
No matter if this is your first time visiting or you've been here before, you are welcome!

What is the Worship like?  Immanuel has two worship styles. 

Worship is a mix of traditional and contempory  music accompanied by a piano, guitar, and drums.  Everyone is welcome to participate in Holy Communion.

Where do I park?

Please park anywhere in the parking lot.  

What do I wear?

Please wear whatever makes you comfortable.  

How does coming into the church work?

Come on in and sit anywhere you would like.  If you would like a follow up phone call, more information about Immanuel, or would like to receive prayers, please fill out a card in the entrace or pew pocket and leave in the offering basket.

Facebook Live

Simply follow Immanuel Lutheran Church on Facebook and watch live at 10:00 am or anytime that is convieant.  
